I can't stand all the drama surrounding indie polishes... in saying that I love so many of the awesome polishes that are being created. I find my self gravitating towards awesome glitter top coats. One indie polish creator I love is Dollish Polish.
I've made a number of purchases from Dollish Polish and can honestly say I've loved every single polish.
One collection I umm and ahhhed over back in the good ole days when you could actually think about your etsy purchases was the valley of the Kings collection. I was never fully convinced when i saw other bloggers swatches and decided I didn't need it.
A wee while a go in one of the famous 'grab all you can' restocks I decided I really did need the collection, but I'd get the mini's just in case. REGRET. Why oh why didn't I buy the full size!
These polishes are now in the vault... just as I finally found the perfect red/silver/black glitter in A day in Cairo.
Walk like an Egyptian |
Walk Like an Egyptian is a stunning brown/bronze glitter. I honestly have nothing similar in my collection.
A Day in Cairo over |
This polish was a massive surprise for me. I was expecting the wishy washy red base with silver glitter and large black hexes that I'd seen on other blogs... but instead it's awesometastic and the exact polish I'd been searching high and low for. I thought Team Salvatore would be my perfect red/silver/black glitter topper....but I found the perfect polish in A Day in Cairo. I'm not sure if the polish was reworked...but I love this version.
Bow to the Pharaoh |
Zomg... gold and blue. I want to go watch Joseph and the Amazig Technicolor Dream coat now... hahaha. Anyway wow. Why didn't I buy the full size!!!!
Travelin' the Nile |
Travelin' the Nile is another of those polishes I'd been searching for. The perfect blue glitter top coat.
Seriously enlarge this pics you have to see the detail. Travelin' the Nile looks just like little droplets of water... little blue glitter droplets of water...?
Scarab |
Scarab is amazing. this was another that doesn't fully look like the swatches I've seen...but i'm not going to complain because I am in love with this polish. The mix of colours is amazing. Seriously enlarge these pictures to see the array of colours in scarab. Blue, green, gold, black, brown, purple...
Palm Fronds |
And lastly Palm Fronds. Palm Fronds is an amazing green glitter. I love the various shapes and sizes used. Squares! Hexes! but mostly squares! there's just something about square glitter...
Now I'm off to have a relaxing day of hanging around the house... although I'm starting to feel inspired to rearrange the furniture...
I'l hopefully have 2 or 3 more Dollish Posts this week.... so stay tuned for more awesome glitter!
Ohh... and If anyone is wondering which polishes I layered on top of...
Tan= OPI San Tan-tonio
Blue= China Glaze Sky High
Green= China glaze Gaga for Green