
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Color Club Holos

I climbed a mountain yesterday.

It is outdoor week this week at school. So not only am I still trying to finish report writing...I'm also physically exhausted. But really I did climb a mountain yesterday. We did a 3 hour hike, up a mountain, down a mountain, to a dam and then to a park. The pedometer on my phone says I did 18,000 steps.

Today is another big walking day. We are doing a photo scavenger hunt around the community.

With being outside all week and the gorgeous sun we are getting I'm very much so feeling holos.
I thought I'd pass on the new Color Club holos... you know wait for the China Glaze ones...
But I'm an addict. I'm so glad I bought them. They are amazing.

Blue Heaven


Harp On It

Cloud Nine

Angel Kiss
For some odd reason I didn't purchase Halo-graphic. Maybe if Santa is reading he could bring me one!

Anyway off to spend another day walking around in the sun.

We've had little Bumble Bee 2 weeks now, so I'll update with some pics of her in the weekend :)


  1. OMG! Beautiful. And great job climbing the mountain. I bet that was awesome!

  2. I was slow on getting these ordered and they sold out all over the net...I think I had hoped I would see these in Rite Aide (fat chance - we have had maybe 2 CC collections in the past yr and none before that...and Sally's gets maybe 2 or 3 per yr)...well I lucked out - a friend in a nearby state had bought a bunch to sell and while I did not get them for their original price, I did not pay more than about 35 cents more per bottle...they arrive today - cannot wait for the mail! I wonder if I will finally use them now? I have a couple other really nice light color holo collections in linear (like all the Nfu-Ohs #61-66 and I love em but I hord them and don't wear them - ditto for my OMGs from China Glaze - hoping that the ChG 2013 holo collection is going to end up being good and not a big old disappointment like a # of their collections have been which were highly anticipated.
