
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Cult Nails Rainbow

I'm a sucker for all things princess and fairy tale related so I pre-ordered the Cult Nals Fairy Tale collection. As I was ordering I noticed if I added a few more items to my order I would get free shipping. So I decided I had to try out Cults top and base coat combo and threw in Feel Me Up and Scandalous. When my polishes arrived I was so surprised... I'd ordered an entire rainbow with out meaning to!

So here are my Cult Nails rainbow swatches!

Evil Queen- 2 coats

Scandalous- 2 Coats

Scandalous- 3 Coats

Feel Me Up- 3 coats

Feelin' Froggy- 3 coats

Princess- 2 coats

Charming- 3 Coats

Happy Ending- 1 coat over Charming, Feelin' Froggy, Princess and Evil Queen.


  1. Evil Queen and feelin froggy are soooo pretty. I want them :-)

    1. Evil Queen is a very nice red. i'll to compare it to Zoya Sookie (my fave red ever)

  2. you make feeling froggy and feel me up look too pretty to pass up!!! I'm still on the fence about getting any in this collection, i kind of want FF & Princess. Are they worth it?

    1. Princess is the one polish I'd say was a must have. The shimmer reminds me of a RBL polish.

      Feelin' Froggy is a very pretty green, but it was quite thin.

  3. Kind of like Charming - but the rest are a no need/no go for me. I have not been 'charmed' a ton by Cult Nails - I know I am in a minority here.
