
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Crackled Pink Wednesday

A few weeks ago I had a little fun on ebay. A few weeks is what I say when I can't remember exactly when I purchased things... but they came in the mail yesterday.

I needed For Audrey for my wedding toes, and I'd misplaced my bottle. Rather than just buying one polish I stocked up on a few. I decided to try out these cheap crackles Mia Secret Crackle. I bought an orange, yellow and deep pink.

Today I have Mia Secret Crackle Rose over Sparrow Me the Drama.

The reason it looks like I dipped my fingers in egg yolk and didn't clean them is I played with the yellow crackle first...It did not want to come off!

Anyway happy Pink Wednesday. I hope everyone has a fabulous day. I have an observation teaching reading today...So I'm slightly freaking.


  1. Thanks! I was really happy with the shade of pink the crackle turned out to's prettier than broken hearted.

  2. I love that pink crackle! I might just be getting one for myself ;)

    And , also, you've got a little award on my blog!

  3. Yay! I just got a pink crackle in the post today from ebay! It looks really nice over a lighter pink, I'm going to try this look, lovely colour combo! :)

  4. nice crackle mani!
    your blog is great!
    & i also love your nyx lipstick swatches(:

    please check out my blog
